Oct 04, 2024  
2024-2025 Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Student Handbook

Residence Life Policies

Return to: Residence Life Information   

Goldey-Beacom College residential community members have the responsibility to adhere to and support regulations.  If in the presence of a violation, a student and/or guest has the responsibility to do the following.

  1. Immediately leave the area where the violation is occurring.
  2. Contact an Office of Residence Life staff member(s) or Campus Security, 302-547-0988, so the violation may be addressed.

Any student or student organization who aids, requests, initiates, assists, or has knowledge of acts which violate this document may be subject to disciplinary action as if the student or student organization had actually committed the violation.

Residence Life Policies

Abandoned & Confiscated Property

Any personal property that is left by a student resident or their guest after the student has moved out of College housing, or after 15 (fifteen) calendar days without contact, will be deemed abandoned and will be disposed of, or if appropriate, items will be donated to a local charity. In addition, students who are not contracted for summer housing may not leave personal possessions in the residence halls during the summer. Students may be charged for the removal of such property. The resident agrees to absolve and hold the College harmless for any claim to the abandoned property due to the damage, destruction, disposal or sale of such personal property.

Office of Residence Life Staff and/or Campus Security may confiscate/destroy any items found that are in violation of Residence Life standards, Goldey - Beacom College policies, or local, state, or federal law, or that are deemed unsafe by designated College officials. Certain items are prohibited in the residential areas of the College due to the health, fire, or safety risks they present, city, state, or federal law, or College policy.

In instances where an item is confiscated when the owner is not present a notice will be left in the room and the resident(s) of that room should expect to receive further notification from the Community Standards Office. Students that receive these notices are encouraged to contact the Community Standards Office to receive further information about their individual situation.

Items prohibited by College policy for health or safety reasons may be returned to the owner provided that the item be removed from campus immediately and not returned to the premises. Illegal items (such as controlled substances, drug paraphernalia, and weapons) are not items that can be returned. Confiscated items not claimed by the owner within 15 (fifteen) calendar days of notification from Community Standards will be disposed of, or if appropriate, items will be donated to a local charity.

Alcohol and Drug Policy for Residence Life

The Goldey-Beacom College Policy on Alcohol and Drugs is located under the General Policies  section.


Barbecue grills (gas, charcoal), propane tanks, lighter fluid, charcoal, or any flammable paraphernalia are absolutely prohibited anywhere in or around the residence halls at any time. Students, who wish to use a barbecue grill, may request use of the Gazebo, which is located near the softball field. Disciplinary action will result for offenses, with the possibility of expulsion from the residence halls.

Stand-alone electric grills are not permitted in the residence halls. Failure to comply with this policy may result in judicial sanctions. 


Candles, wax burners, candle warmers or incense are prohibited in the residence halls at any time. Violation of this policy may result in judicial sanctions .

Early Move-In/Late Move-Out

In special and limited circumstances the Office of Residence Life may grant permission for early move-in or late move-out on a case by case basis. If such permission is granted, a student will be charged $100.00 per day. During early move-in or late move-out periods, compliance with the Residence Life Policies is required. Immediate removal from the residence halls may result if policies are not complied with especially:

  • NO GUESTS/VISITORS AT ANY TIME. The only individuals allowed in the residence halls during this period are other early arrival/late move-out students or currently enrolled students who are covered by housing contract.

  • NO ALCOHOL. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on campus even if a student is of legal drinking age. In addition, a student should not be under the influence of alcohol while on campus.


Fireworks or firecrackers are prohibited on campus because of the real danger to life and property. Any student who is found in possession of fireworks or firecrackers may immediately be removed from the residence halls.

Guest/Visitor Policy

Goldey-Beacom College residence halls are open only to students who reside in the halls and authorized College personnel. The halls are not open to the public.

  • Guest is defined as a person (including a Goldey-Beacom College non-resident student) who is visiting a resident in their living quarters.

  • Visitor is defined as any current residential student who enters apartments, rooms, floors, and buildings other than the living quarters to which they have been assigned.

It should be noted that residents have a right to privacy and peace throughout the day; accordingly regular and/or extended visits during the day by guests or visitors are prohibited. For the policy regarding overnight visits see below. No guests will be permitted during times when the residence halls are closed without specific permission from the Dean of Students.

  1. Resident students ARE required to register as a visitor while visiting another apartment or building, students must be invited/welcomed by ALL residents, act in a responsible and courteous manner during such visits, and, if asked by staff, must identify the resident being visited. Any resident student not adhering to the visitor policy will receive disciplinary action. Visitor/Guest registration can be found on Campus Web under the Campus Life tab.

  2. All Guests must vacate the residence halls by 11:00pm and cannot re-enter the residence halls until 11:00am the following day.

  3. Overnight guests are PROHIBITED during the school week (Sunday to Wednesday inclusive).

  4. The Guest Registration Form must be signed by the resident who is responsible for the guest (host) and BY ALL RESIDENTS OF THE HOST ROOM. Hosts are required to register their guest with Residence Life before 1:00 pm on Thursday of each week. The Guest Registration Form must be filled out completely, including consent of roommates and all guest contact information, including automobile information. No exceptions will be made concerning this policy. Falsification of the information or signatures may result in disciplinary action. The form will be located on CampusWeb under the Office of Residence Life & Housing.

  5. Guests are to remain within the apartment they are visiting unless specifically invited to another location, at which time they must be escorted by and remain with the resident who issued the first invitation.

  6. Residents are to inform their guests of campus rules and regulations. Residents assume responsibility for their guests’ behavior and must remain with them while they are visiting on campus, at all times. Residents are responsible for all damages caused by a guest. Non-residents who are unescorted or present in a room at any time of day without the sponsoring resident present will be asked to leave, and may be permanently banned from the residence halls and the sponsoring student will forfeit visitor privileges.

  7. An individual is limited in the number of times the person may stay as a guest on campus. No guest may stay more than two consecutive nights or more than four nights per calendar month on the campus. All stays are counted in this total and registrations by different hosts will be counted cumulatively toward this total.

  8. The total number of overnight guests allowed in an apartment is a maximum of two persons.

  9. Guests of students who have a shared bedroom option, including overnight guests, are NOT permitted in the student bedrooms at any time.

  10. Guests under the age of 18 are not permitted in the residence halls at any time without the advance permission of the Dean of Students. 

  11. Any guest who parks a vehicle on campus at any time will be required to fully complete a Guest Parking Registration Form. These forms are available in the Student Affairs Office located in the Jones Center. Any vehicle parked on campus that is not registered with the Student Affairs Office may be towed.

  12. Exceptions to these policies may be requested in writing to the Dean of Students. 

Minimum Sanctions for Guest/Visitor Policy Violations


1st Violation Sanction

2nd Violation Sanction

3rd Violation Sanction

Residential Student & Residential Student Guest/Visitor

Disciplinary Warning

$50 fine*

Housing Probation

$100 fine*

Loss of guest privileges

Housing Probation

Residential Student & Non-Residential Student Guest/Visitor

Disciplinary Warning

$50 fine*

Loss of guest privileges

Housing Probation

$100 fine*

Permanent loss of guest privileges

Housing Probation

Residential Student & Non-GBC Guest/Visitor

$100 fine*

Permanent ban of guest/visitor from residence halls

Loss of guest privileges

$300 fine*

Permanent ban of guest from residence halls

Loss of guest privileges

Housing Probation

$500 fine*

Removal from housing

Disciplinary Probation

*Fine will be doubled if the guest has been banned or suspended.

Halogen & LED Lamps

The use of halogen lamps in the residence halls is always prohibited, due to the potential danger of fires. Violation of this policy will result in confiscation of the prohibited item. Disciplinary action will result for subsequent offenses, with the possibility of expulsion from the residence halls.

Lockdown Policy

The College reserves the right to lock down the Residence Halls in the event of a situation that may pose a danger to the residential community. Lock-down is a maximum security measure implemented to limit access and movement around campus. During a lock-down students will not be allowed to enter or exit any residence hall for their protection. Students are required to follow all verbal and posted directions regarding the lock-down and failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.

The Office of Residence Life will notify students regarding the lock-down and inform them when the lockdown has been removed. When the College is in lock-down mode please follow the steps below.

  • Follow all verbal and posted instructions

  • Stay inside your apartments

  • Lock all doors and windows (this includes the deadbolt on the apartment door as well as the sliding glass doors in Miller and Jackson)

  • Stay clear of all windows and doors

Lock-Out Policy

The Office of Residence Life and Campus Security focus on providing a safe and secure residential environment for all students at Goldey-Beacom College. Lost Lightning Cards compromise the security of the residence halls and student apartments. In addition, lock-outs remove staff from activities that may include proactive steps to secure the residential environment/College as well as a range of other duties. If a student is locked out of their assigned residence hall, apartment, or room and needs to regain entry, the student must follow the procedures outlined below. Depending on the day and time of the lock-out, the student may have to wait a minimum of one hour.

  1. Contact the appropriate staff member on call depending on the following schedule;

  • Student Affairs Office (302) 225 - 6332
    • Monday - Thursday: 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM
    • Friday: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Resident Assistants (302) 353 - 0613 / (302) 545 - 9663 OR On - Call Area Coordinator (302) 530-9657
    • Monday - Thursday: 7:00 PM - 12:00 AM
    • Friday: 5:00 PM - 12:00 AM
    • Weekends: 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM
  • Campus Security (302) 547 - 0988
    • Monday - Friday: 12:00 - 8:00 AM
  • Weekends: 12:00 AM - 8:00 PM

2. If the student has been locked out of the student’s assigned room, staff will escort the student to the apartment and the Lightning Card must be presented before staff will exit the room.

3. Students will receive a letter from Community Standards after each lockout. If a student exceeds two (2) lock-outs during the semester, a monetary charge of $10.00 will be assessed beginning with the third lock-out and will continue for every subsequent lock-out until the end of the semester.

Maximum Occupancy Policy

Students are permitted to have guests and visitors in their rooms based on the Guests/Visitors Policy. However students are limited to a maximum number of individuals allowed in a room at one time.

  • Students in one (1) bedroom residence hall rooms are allowed a maximum of two (2) guests/visitors.*
  • Students in two (2) or three (3) bedroom residence hall rooms are allowed a maximum of two (2) guests/visitors per bedroom for a maximum of four (4) or six (6) guests/visitors per apartment.*

*This number includes any residents of the room present in the living space at the time.

Students and their visitors are required to follow all guidelines listed in the Guest/Visitor Policy while hosting visitors. Disturbances requiring sanction include but are not limited to the following:

  • excessive noise

  • verbal abuse directed at any individual or group (including Campus Security, RA’s, College Staff, GBC students or visitors)

  • physical violence (including pushing, shoving, striking, or unwanted touching)

  • damage to property

  • failure to follow Guests/Visitors Policy

  • providing alcohol to persons under the age of 21

  • consumption of alcohol if not of legal drinking age

  • excessive alcohol intoxication

  • drug violations including the odor of marijuana

Missing Student Policy

This policy applies to students who reside in campus housing, including any off-campus apartment units that may be leased by the College for resident students.

Goldey-Beacom College takes students safety seriously.  To this end, and in compliance with the Missing Student Notification Policy and Procedures (Section 488 of the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008), the following policy has been developed in order to assist in locating Goldey-Beacom College students, who, based on the facts and circumstances known to the College, are determined to be missing.  It is the policy of Goldey-Beacom College to actively investigate any report of a missing student.  All students living on campus will be notified of the missing student policy and the procedures Goldey-Beacom College would follow in the event that they are reported missing. 

Each student will be asked to identify the name and contact number of the individual(s) whom Goldey-Beacom College will notify within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing.  For any student under the age of 18 the institution is required to notify a custodial parent or guardian within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing, in addition to notifying any additional contact person designated by the student.  Students’ contact information will be registered confidentially, made accessible only to authorized campus officials, and will not be disclosed except to law enforcement personnel in furtherance of a missing person investigation.

If a member of the College community has reason to believe that a student is missing, the person must report it to the Campus Security. For non-emergencies call (302) 547-0988; for emergencies call 911. Reports may also be made to Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) who will report it to Campus Security. All efforts will be made immediately to locate the student to determine the student’s health and well-being. These efforts include, but are not limited to, calling the student’s cell phone and sending a text message, looking at social networking sites, checking the student’s room, interviewing roommates and friends, checking attendance in class, checking GBC Lightning Card access use, and locating the student’s vehicle.

If upon investigation by the Residence Life staff, the student is determined missing for at least 24 hours, the Dean of Students will contact the student’s designated emergency contact (and custodial parent or legal guardian if the student is under the age of 18 or has failed to designate an emergency contact).  Campus Security will notify Delaware State Police Troop 6 within 24 hours of the determination that a student is missing, unless police are the entity that made the determination that the student is missing. Campus Security will continue to investigate in collaboration with the Dean of Students and Student Affairs staff. Campus Security will also coordinate its efforts with outside law enforcement agencies in full compliance with legal obligations.

Quiet/Courtesy Hours

Any noise that can be heard outside a student apartment at any time is disruptive; therefore, courtesy hours are in effective 24 hours a day. Specifically, quiet hours will be enforced based on the following schedule.

  • Sunday through Wednesday 11:00 pm to 8:00 am

  • Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 12:00 am to 8:00 am

The College extends quiet hours during exam periods to a 24-hour quiet environment for the entire campus. Any disruptions during exam quiet hours may result in immediate suspension from housing.

Residential Pet Policy

Fish are the only pets permitted in the Residence Halls. The fish must be kept in a covered tank, kept clean, healthy, and fresh smelling. If odor, health issues and/or other concerns become a problem, the fish and fish tank will have to be removed from the Residence Halls. The maximum size of fish tank is not to exceed 1.5 gallons. Residence Life Staff may inspect the tank to make sure it is of legal size (not to exceed 1.5 gallons). Also disposal of the fish supplies from the tank, such as the tank rocks, leftover fish food, fish tank toys, and fish tank supplies, etc. must be disposed of in the trash can and NOT down the sink drain or in the toilet. Resident students found violating the pet policy will be asked to remove the pet effective immediately. Violations of this policy may result in judicial sanctions  .

Residential Smoking Policy

Smoking/use of tobacco, of any kind, is not permitted in any of the residence halls, including hallways, stairwells, balconies or any other common space.  Use of cigarettes, electronic cigarettes (including vaping), cigars, smokeless tobacco products, etc. are prohibited. Also prohibited is paraphernalia including ashtrays, hookahs, posters, displays, etc. Violations may result in judicial sanctions . Students are permitted to smoke outside but must stay clear of all entrances and exits.

Room Decorating Policy

Students are encouraged to decorate their rooms within the guidelines of the College:

  1. No nails, tacks, screws, or pins may be driven into the walls and doors.

  2. Defacing or marking walls, woodwork, or doors is prohibited.

  3. Furniture or other property of the College may not be removed from the room in which it belongs. Beds, refrigerators, and/or other furniture may not be mounted on a desk, dresser, or end table. Bunk beds may only be put together and taken apart by maintenance staff, and lofts are prohibited.

  4. Obscene, lewd, or inappropriate pictures, signs, articles, etc., may not be displayed in any room, on any door or window.

  5. Students are not permitted to paint their rooms. College employees may paint rooms on an as-needed basis. Additionally, students may not adhere contact paper, stickers, or wallpaper borders to bedroom walls, woodwork, doors, or windows.

  6. Blinds and screens must remain intact. Nothing may hang out or over a windowsill. Resident students will incur fines for each screen that has been removed and/or damaged. Curtains are strictly prohibited.

  7. Empty or full alcohol containers may not be used for ‘highlighters’ or any other decorative purposes. Fines will be imposed for violations of this policy.

  8. Tents of any kind are strictly prohibited including those over beds.

  9. Students may not cover more than 20% of each wall with pictures or posters. Tapestries of any kind are strictly prohibited.

  10. Lights and light strips, including but not limited to string lights, LED strips, neon lights, and other decorative lighting, are prohibited. This policy extends to all common areas, individual rooms, and any shared spaces within the residence halls.

  11. All prohibited items may be found on “What to Bring Checklist” located on Residence Life page.


The College is not responsible for the theft of personal items from the residence halls, grounds, or automobiles. If a theft should occur, it should be reported immediately to the Resident Assistant(s), Area Coordinator(s), the Office of Residence Life, and/or Campus Security. Theft or attempted theft is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and may result in judicial sanctions.

Violence Policy

The Office of Residence Life expects our community members to maintain a high level of civility. It is the philosophy of the College that students will conduct themselves in an appropriate manner, with regard to different opinions. The Office of Residence Life WILL NOT tolerate any form of disruptive/threatening behavior including hazing and bullying. A list of disruptive/threatening behavior can be found in the Student Code of Conduct.  

Weapons and Ammunition

Weapons and ammunition are prohibited from the residence halls. This includes, but is not limited to, firearms, switchblades/hunting knives, etc., martial arts weapons, slingshots, bb and pellet guns, paintball guns, water guns, and the like. Any implement that propels a projectile will be considered a weapon in this policy. Violation of this policy will result in judicial sanctions  including immediate expulsion from the residence halls.

Water/Paint Fights

Students are prohibited from engaging in any type of water/paint fight on campus. This includes the use of water balloons, hoses, containers, and the like for the purpose of a water fight. Disciplinary action will result for subsequent offenses, with the possibility of expulsion from the residence halls.


Fire Alarm Policies and Procedures

Evacuation & Evacuation Procedures

Evacuation is MANDATORY for all resident students and their guests when the fire bells sound. Residents not following this rule or proper evacuation procedures may be subject to disciplinary action.

Residents are required to follow these evacuation procedures:

  1. Close apartment door.
  2. Move quickly and calmly.
  3. Follow nearest posted exit sign. Do not use elevators in Leach or Franta Halls.
  4. Assemble in the following locations based on Hall assignment:
    • Miller Hall: Outdoor basketball court.
    • Jackson Hall: Outdoor basketball court.
    • Leach Hall: Pavilion located near softball field.
    • Abel Hall: Pavilion located near softball field.
    • Franta Hall (North Exit): Common Green towards Stoney-Batter Road.
    • Franta Hall (South Exit): Fulmer Center Parking Lot, past the first parking lot along Limestone Road.
  5. All fire lanes must be kept clear for people and vehicles at all times.
  6. Wait until permitted by the Office of Residence Life or Campus Security staff to re-enter the building.

Fire Equipment

Fire Equipment is to be used only as necessary in case of a fire. Tampering with fire bells, alarms, extinguishers, hoses, exit signs, sprinkler systems, and all other emergency equipment is unlawful and punishable by the Fire Marshall, the State Police, and the College. The College sanction may include immediate dismissal from the residence halls.

Accidental Fire Alarms

Any resident who activates the building fire alarm, accidently or without a true emergency, may face judicial sanctions. This includes, but is not limited to, errors in cooking, smoking, vandalism, pranks, and policy violations. Any additional costs beyond this and any applicable policy violation charges will also be assessed to the responsible resident(s).  As dictated by the State Fire Marshall, neither student nor staff can interrupt or prevent fire department units from coming to campus once they have been dispatched to the College. 


Residential Judicial Process

The Office of Residence Life expects every student who resides in the residence halls to be a productive member of the community. Any student who violates any policies in the Student Handbook will face judicial action. Violations that occur within the residence halls are under the authority of Community Standards.

Student Conduct Process in Residence Halls 

  1. An Incident Occurs - This results in a written documentation by Residence Life, Campus Safety, or any member of the campus community which is then submitted to the Community Standards Office for review and investigation.

  2. Investigation - The object of the investigation is to ascertain facts and to determine whether a violation(s) has occurred. It is conducted by the Community Standards Office. At times, depending on the location and type of violation, the investigation may be referred to the Dean of Students, or designee. The investigation will include but not be limited to a review of: the written documentation submitted when the incident occurred, any photographic or video footage of the incident, and statements from involved parties.

  3. Notification of Violations & Sanctions - Depending upon what is discovered in the investigation; a student may be found responsible for violating the Code of Student Conduct policy, Residence Life policy, or GBC General policy. The student will receive a notice of a hearing with Community Standards to determine responsibility and the appropriate sanction(s) if found responsible. Community Standards uses the standard of preponderance of evidence to determine responsibility. Students have the right to not appear at a meeting or hearing. If that happens, the meeting or hearing will go forward, and the incident will be resolved with the information available. If the student would like to appeal the outcome of their hearing, the have the option of having the case heard and resolved by the Community Standards Hearing Board.


Examples of sanctions that may be issued for violations of housing policies are listed below.

Individual students found to have violated this alcohol and other drugs policy may be subject to one or more of the following penalties. The student will have ten (10) business days from the date of the sanction to submit a written request for appeal should the student choose. Parents may be notified.

  • Disciplinary warning - A disciplinary warning is an official written notice expressing that the student’s conduct violates one or more College rules, regulations, or policies.
  • Probation - Probation is a period of review during which the student must comply with all College rules, regulations, and polices. This action is a period of official censure. A probation action may specify any conditions with which the individual must comply or any privileges which may be withheld. Probation may include, but is not limited to, the loss of privilege to represent the College in an official capacity (e.g., varsity intercollegiate events, holding office, or participation in campus government or related organizations). Violations during this period may result in further discipline.
  • Suspension - Suspension from the College is the termination of student status for a specified period of time. A student may not attend classes, take exams, receive grades, or be on College property. After this period of time, the student must seek written approval from the Dean of Students to return to the College. The hearing officer may establish additional requirements which must be fulfilled to the Dean of Students’ satisfaction prior to reinstatement. There will be no refunding of tuition or fees.
  • Expulsion - Expulsion is the permanent, involuntary separation from the College due to conduct violations. A student is not permitted on College property. There will be no refunding of tuition or fees.
  • Other Sanctions - The College may impose any other sanction depending upon the circumstances and the nature of the violation, e.g. assignment of a paper, fines.
    • Constructive or Educational Task - The student is assigned a task which benefits the individual, campus, or community. This task can be given alone or in conjunction with another sanction.
    • Housing Reassignment/Removal - In cases involving housing violations, the student may be involuntarily reassigned to a new location on campus. This action may include restriction from entering any College-owned housing for a designated period of time, or permanently. There is no refunding of fees in accordance with College policy. No priority will be afforded to the student when returning to College-owned housing.
    • Hold on Records - The College may hold transcripts, diplomas, registration privileges, or other official records pending the disposition of cases and completion of sanctions if such action is reasonably necessary to preserve the College’s ability to enforce its disciplinary rules.
    • Loss of Scholarship - A student may have their Goldey-Beacom College scholarship revoked for engaging in behaviors that are in violation of the College policy. Upon expulsion from the College, all College-funded scholarships are permanently revoked.
    • Restitution - Restitution may be imposed on a student whose violation has involved theft, monetary loss, or damage. Restitution as imposed by the hearing officer becomes a financial obligation to the College, and either full payment or an agreement for partial payment according to a schedule agreed to by the Dean of Students is required before the student may register for classes again, or in the case of seniors, before the student may graduate.
    • Interim Suspension - The Dean of Students or designee may impose an interim suspension and/or loss of privileges including removal from the College Campus and/or College-owned housing upon any student whose presence on campus constitutes a threat to the health, safety, and welfare of the student, or the welfare of the College, its property or personnel. Any such suspension will take immediate effect and will remain in force throughout any appeal process.

Note: Any student suspended/expelled from the residence halls will simultaneously have the student’s record reviewed by the Dean of Students to assess suitability for continued enrollment at the College.


Please refer to the Student Appeal Process section of the Student Code of Conduct  for information regarding the appeals process.


Room Inspection & Right of Search in College-Owned Housing

Right of Inspection by College Officials

Students who reside in student housing on the College campus should be aware that their apartments are subject to inspection by College administrators and residence hall staff for purposes of cleanliness, health, safety, and compliance with all College rules and regulations.  The student resident(s) shall be present (if possible) during such inspections.  Any information or property found in plain view during the inspection may be used as evidence against residents in College disciplinary proceedings.  Visual inspections may also occur when following emergency evacuation procedures (e.g. fire alarms).  If a student resident refuses to grant entry, the master key or card may be used to enter the apartment/bedroom.  In the event of an emergency, or where there is reasonable suspicion regarding a violation of College rules or regulations, a member of the Residence Life staff may enter a room for a visual inspection in the absence of the student residents.

Right of Search by College Officials

The Goldey-Beacom College Policy on Right of Search by College Officials is located under the General Policies  section of the Student Handbook.

Right of Search by Law Enforcement Authorities

The Goldey-Beacom College Policy on Right of Search by Authorities is located under the General Policies ​ section of Student Handbook.