Mar 29, 2025  
2017-2018 Student Handbook 
2017-2018 Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Involvement

Student Activities on Campus: An Overview

The Student Activities program plays an important role in the physical and social development of both student residents and commuters. The Student Affairs Office works directly with the Student Government Association and campus organizations in coordinating the activities program and seeing that it reflects students’ needs and interests.

Extracurricular events range from cultural trips to such places as New York City, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., and area museums to comedians, game shows, dances, and karaoke. Particular care is given to providing cultural and educational programs. The Student Affairs Office will support authorized events planned by student organizations. Billiards and table tennis equipment is also available for recreational use and may be obtained from the Student Affairs Office located in the Joseph West Jones College Center by providing a valid GBC Lightning Card.

Student Activities information can be found on the Student Activities page under the Campus Life tab on Campus Web. Current students are invited to attend all activities provided by the Student Affairs Office.

Goldey-Beacom College is fortunate to have physical fitness facilities on campus. The outdoor facilities include a softball field, a soccer field, a basketball and volleyball court, a tennis court, and a racquetball court. Use of the Sawin Athletic/soccer and softball fields requires permission from the Athletic Office. The Gymnasium also offers indoor basketball/volleyball courts and the Fitness Center is equipped with cardiovascular equipment and circuit weight machines.

Students are strongly encouraged to participate in campus life by joining an organization or attending student activities. Leadership opportunities are available through a wide variety of academic, professional and special interest organizations. Becoming involved builds leadership, personal growth, and a sense of community, three ingredients necessary in achieving success in the work environment outside of the College.

Additional information pertaining to student activities may be obtained by contacting the Student Affairs Office at (302) 225-6245 or by visiting

Student Organizations

Alpha Chi:

Alpha Chi is a National Honor Society. Membership is limited to Juniors, Seniors, and second year Graduate students of good character who rank in the upper 10 percent of their class. Activities include an annual induction ceremony, a spring reception for honor students, social activities and scholarly or academic service to the College.

Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting (ALPFA):

ALPFA is dedicated to enhancing opportunities for students interested in the business, accounting, finance and related professions. ALPFA is a not-for-profit entity registered with the Internal Revenue Service. Membership is open to anyone who shares the Association’s values, mission, and principles.

Entrepreneurship Club:

The Entrepreneurship Club will provide a conduit by which students can access relevant entrepreneurial resources, network with prominent community entrepreneurs, faculty, and share entrepreneurial and innovative ideas. To this end, the club is dedicated to furthering an understanding of new businesses, small businesses, entrepreneurship and innovation in all businesses.


Free2Be is a student organization that provides advocacy and education for individuals in the College community and works to increase tolerance and respect for individuals of all sexual orientations and identities.

GBC Book Club:

The GBC Book Club provides a forum for students and faculty members to interact and discuss classic and current literature regarding hot topics.


GBC LIT welcomes all students to explore their interests in literature, writing, and the arts through activities on campus and in the surrounding communities. Members also serve their community through increasing and promoting literacy.

GBC Psychology Club:

The GBC Psychology Club provides a forum for students to gather and discuss topics related to the field of psychology.  This organization will provide the GBC Community with opportunities to advance their understanding of careers and special interest areas related to the field of psychology.

Minority Student Union (MSU):

The Minority Student Union is a student organization tin which membership is open to any student who wishes to unite the GBC community to offer a better understanding of the African-American heritage.

Resident Student Association (RSA):

RSA is an organization that motivates resident students to get involved in on-campus activities. These activities include hall decorating contests, holiday get-togethers, finals week study breaks, service projects, and most other residence hall programs. RSA is also a student voice to implement projects and programs of interest to all resident students.

Student Ambassadors:

Student Ambassadors work with the Admissions Team to maintain public awareness of the College, and to assist in the recruitment process. Activities of these Ambassadors include giving tours of the College, making telephone calls to prospective students, and accompanying admissions representatives to high schools and college fairs.

Student Athletic Advisory Council (SAAC):

The purpose of the Student Athletic Advisory Committee (SAAC) is to represent the student-athletes’ voice on the campus of Goldey-Beacom College. In addition, it exists to promote good communication between the student-athletes, athletic department administration, coaches and other staff. SAAC also has the responsibility to actively encourage student-athlete involvement in campus and community events. SAAC will consist of one representative from each varsity team sponsored by Goldey-Beacom College.

Student Government Association:

The Student Government Association is an elected group of officers acting as liaison between administration, faculty, staff, and the student body. The Student Government Association is the parent organization of all of the on-campus student organizations. Programs include social activities and service to the college and outside community.

Students With A Purpose (SWAP):

Students with a Purpose is an organization that gives students opportunity for fellowship, support, and provide/receive spiritual encouragement from other students in a positive group setting.

The Society for HR Management (SHRM):

The Society for Human Resource Management is an officially chartered student chapter of the national professional organization. Sponsored by Delaware SHRM, the organization provides a forum for those students interested in HR careers to learn more about opportunities in the field and to begin networking with professionals. For those general business students with an interest in human resources, membership in SHRM provides a forum to discuss and learn the importance of HR issues and challenges in any organization.

Women In Networks (WIN):

Women in Networks is an organization committed to the importance of networking. The objectives are three fold: first, to provide a forum where students may find mentors, support, and guidance concerning today’s work environment and solutions to general life challenges; second, to provide a forum where women currently working may find reassurance and support for their continued success as well as a pool of fresh young talented women to assist in their work endeavors; most of all, our hope is to create an environment that reminds us to have fun as we develop these all-important relationships.

Student Organization Procedures

Establishing and Registering

As an initial step, students interested in forming a new student organization should contact the Student Affairs Office to review the policies and procedures that need to be followed to establish a new group on campus. After approval from the Student Affairs Office, the group should proceed with the following steps:

  1. Establish an organization
  2. Obtain a staff or faculty Advisor
  3. Create a constitution for the organization which includes:
    1. Name of organization
    2. Purpose of the organization
    3. Membership of the organization
    4. Officers of the organization and their duties. It should be noted that officers for any organization must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better at the time of elections and throughout the term of office.
    5. Meetings Schedule
    6. Amending clause
    7. Quorum specifications
    8. Statement that the organization will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, age, handicap, or veteran status.
  4. Submit four (4) copies of the constitution and the name of the contact person within the organization to the Coordinator of Residence and Student Life.
  5. Complete and submit a Student Organization Registration Form. Registration forms are available from the Student Affairs Office.
  6. Complete community or school service project
    1. The Student Affairs Office will provide opportunities for community service projects throughout the year.
    2. Each member of the club/organization must participate in at least one (1) community service project per semester.
  7. Establish an account with the Business Office
    1. All monies collected must be held in a Goldey-Beacom College account. No off-campus accounts are permitted.
    2. The Advisor is the only person authorized to make deposits to and withdrawals from College accounts.

To ensure an accurate listing of all student organizations and advisers, the College requires all student organizations to register formally with the Student Affairs Office. To be an official organization, and receive recognition, advertising privileges, and a mailbox in the Student Affairs Office at Goldey-Beacom College, a group must:

  1. Have the constitution approved by the Dean of Students.
  2. Be officially approved by SGA through the formal student government approval process.
  3. Agree to abide by the College’s policies and regulations.
  4. Have an official Advisor who is currently a staff or faculty member of Goldey-Beacom College.
  5. Complete at least two community service projects (one each in the fall and spring semesters) and submit a “Community Service Project Report” for each completed project by April 1.
  6. Register with Student Affairs Office. A copy of the organization’s current constitution must be attached to the Student Organization Registration Form. All organizations are required to register with the Student Affairs Office by October 1 and February 15 of each academic year. Any changes in officer and/or Advisor information that occurs during that academic year must be changed on the official Student Organization Registration Form, which is kept on file in the Student Affairs Office.

No student organization may use Goldey-Beacom College’s name for external transactions without prior written approval from the Student Affairs Office.

Advisor Responsibility

The role of a group’s staff/faculty Advisor is important to the success of a student organization. Some of the responsibilities may include, but are not limited to:

  1. Familiarity with all College regulations.
  2. Regular attendance at general organization meetings and committee meetings of the organization.
  3. Helping to organize fair election of officers.
  4. Periodically reviewing the goals and purposes of the organization with the membership.
  5. Assisting the organization with the development of goals, objectives, service projects, the implementation of policies and procedures, and the planning and execution of organization activities.
  6. Signing appropriate College-related forms (maintenance requests, memoranda, reservation forms, etc.)
  7. Assisting the organization with maintaining communication with College officials and other campus organizations.
  8. Keeping track of all financial information pertaining to the club/organization. The Advisor is the only person authorized to make deposits to and withdrawals from College accounts.
  9. Attending all of the organization’s on-campus activities (during non-business hours) unless advance written approval has been provided by the Student Affairs Office for substitution by another full-time faculty or staff member of GBC.
  10. Supervising the organization’s officers to ensure maintenance of accurate records.
  11. Ensuring that all club/organization members participate in community service projects.
  12. Being available to members wishing assistance or counsel. The Advisors role is supportive and advisory in nature.
  13. Ensuring accurate registration of the organization with the Student Affairs Office by October 1 and February 15 of each academic year.

The Advisor’s work with the organization can be considered part of the employee’s professional responsibilities to the institution.

Organization Revocation

  • Reasons for revocation
    1. Unlawful or inappropriate conduct by the organization.
    2. Failure to meet chartering requirements.
    3. Falsifying documents or statements
    4. Failure to register each semester with the Student Affairs Office
    5. Failure to have all club/organization members participate in community services projects.
  • If a charter is revoked
    1. It will require a three-fourths (3/4) vote of approval by the SGA membership.
    2. Revocation of charters will be for a specific period of time.
    3. Organization will lose status as a recognized group on campus.
    4. Loss of recognition prevents any group from obtaining financial assistance, advertising privileges, mail privileges, use of College’s facilities and services, and using the name of the Goldey-Beacom College to represent the organization.

Student Organization Policies

Advertising Policy

To ensure that the advertisements on campus inform and enhance the campus environment and adhere to all College policies, individuals needing to advertise must follow these procedures when they advertise their programs:

  • Advertisements must be approved and stamped by Student Affairs Office staff prior to being posted.
  • Advertisements depicting alcohol or drug use, abuse, sale, or distribution are prohibited.
  • Advertisements must respect the human rights and dignity of individuals. Therefore, advertisements which demean others on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, age, handicap, or veteran status are strictly prohibited. In addition, advertisements by GBC organizations should complement the mission of the College and adhere to community standards of civility and good taste.
  • The official GBC logo (shield), seal, and Lightning logo may not be used without permission from the Student Affairs Office.
  • Advertisements may only be posted on “GBC News and Information” boards, unless the board belongs to the organization. No items should be posted on other bulletin boards unless prior permission is granted.
  • Only one (1) copy of each approved advertisement may be posted on approved bulletin boards.
  • Pushpins may be used to post advertisements on bulletin boards; but staples may not.
  • All student organizations should properly label their assigned bulletin board.
  • All advertisements must be removed from bulletin boards and other campus locations within 24 hours after an event.
  • All officially recognized student organizations at Goldey-Beacom College are obliged to comply with College policies, including the “Advertising Policy”.

Additional information pertaining to the “Advertising Policy” may be obtained by contacting the Student Affairs Office.

Campus Facilities: Use and Reservation Policy

The following are the procedures for all facility reservations:

  • All requests must be submitted electronically by the organization’s registered Advisor through the GBC Faculty/Staff Intranet at least one month prior to the date requested.
  • If there are special requirements, such as auditorium style seating, microphones, special tables, clearing of space, etc., a Help Desk Maintenance-Event Setup request must be submitted electronically to the Facilities Department at the same time as the reservation request.
  • If the space is available, a reservation will be made and a confirmation of the reservation will be sent to the party requesting the reservation.
  • Student organizations are expected to adhere to all College policies while using campus facilities.
  • The organization’s Advisor must be present at all events held during non-business hours.
  • Organizations must adhere to the “Advertising Policy” section of the Student Handbook. Groups not adhering to this policy may be prohibited from using space on campus.
  • All groups must leave the assigned area no later than the time agreed upon and are responsible for clean-up of the facility after each event.
  • Any damage which occurs during an event will be the responsibility of the group making the reservation. Fines or loss of reservation privileges will be determined by the Student Affairs Department.

Contracts Policy

For purposes of bank accounts or entering of contracts, student organizations may not use Goldey-Beacom College’s name without prior written approval from the Student Affairs Office. Student organization accounts may be established with the College by contacting the Student Affairs Office. Additional information regarding the “Contract Policy” may be obtained by contacting the Student Affairs Office at (302) 225-6332.

Equal Opportunity Statement

In accordance with the policy of Goldey-Beacom College, the Student Affairs Office is committed to a policy of equal opportunity in every aspect of its operation. Campus organizations will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, ancestry, national origin, age, handicap, or veteran status. All campus organizations will be treated equally by the Student Government Association and by the College.

Event Attendance Policy

Events sponsored on the Goldey-Beacom College campus are intended primarily for current students. Visitors to these or other events are expected to abide by College policies and be responsive to staff including Campus Security. Students are responsible for the behavior of any guest(s) that they invite. Visitors are not permitted in the residence halls without prior registration and registered guests must abide by the current Residence Life Policy Handbook.

Additional information pertaining to the “Event Attendance Policy” may be obtained by contacting the Student Affairs Office at (302) 225-6332.

Fundraising Policy

All student organizations must obtain approval from the Student Affairs Office prior to starting any fundraising to avoid competition among student organizations selling duplicate items concurrently. Any funds generated through ticket sales/fundraisers must be lodged in an account in the Business Office of Goldey-Beacom College. Student organizations are not permitted to hold fundraisers that are in direct violation of any GBC policies. Additional information pertaining to the “Fundraising Policy” may be obtained from the Student Affairs Office.

Vendor Policy

No soliciting, vending, or marketing is permitted on the Goldey-Beacom College campus without prior approval from the Student Affairs Office.  Additional information pertaining to the “Vendor Policy” may be obtained by contacting the Student Affairs Office.

Athletic Programs

Intercollegiate Athletics

Goldey-Beacom College offers a well-balanced athletics program for men and women in eleven varsity intercollegiate sports. All students are encouraged to participate in intercollegiate programs at GBC. Our athletics teams have the opportunity of competing in conference, regional, and national championships as full members of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA Division II) and the Central Atlantic Collegiate Conference (CACC). The College fields teams for women’s basketball, cross-country, soccer, softball, tennis, and volleyball, and men’s baseball, basketball, cross-country, golf, and soccer.

To be eligible to participate in Goldey-Beacom College’s intercollegiate athletics programs, student-athletes must meet all NCAA Division II and institution standards. Please contact the Director of Athletics or the Assistant Director of Athletics for Compliance at (302) 225-6312 or refer to the Athletics website at for additional information.

Schedules for all athletics teams are available to all students and are distributed throughout the campus as well as upon request. For updates on teams, schedules, and scores, students can check the GBC website or call the Athletics Office at 302-225-6312 or at

Open Recreation

Open recreation provides for the needs of individuals who are interested in informal recreation. Athletic and gymnasium facilities are available throughout the year. Volleyball, softball, racquetball, basketball, and tennis facilities encourage student involvement, leadership, competition, physical exercise, friendship, and good times. Current students, staff, and faculty may obtain equipment from the Athletics Office located on the Ground Floor of the Joseph West Jones College Center II by providing a valid GBC Lightning Card.

Billiards and table tennis equipment is also available for recreational use and are located in the Thompson Lounge.

Usage of the Fitness Center, Joseph West Jones Gymnasium, and the Stewart B. Jackson Complex tennis and racquetball courts (with the exception of the Sawin Athletic/soccer field), is limited to current students, staff, and faculty with an up-to-date Lightning Card. Staff, faculty, and students utilizing the Athletic Facilities do so at their own risk as the College assumes no liability for injury. The Sawin Athletic/soccer field and the softball field cannot be used without prior written permission from the Athletics Office. Staff or student organization sponsorship of alumni group(s) is permitted with prior written reservation approval from the Athletics Office, Student Affairs Office, External Affairs, or the Facilities Department.

Fitness Center

The Fitness Center is located in the Levin Lounge of the Joseph West Jones Center II. The Center has a selection of cardio vascular, weighting training, and assistance machines including ellipticals, treadmills, bicycles, smith machines, kettle balls, free weights, and many multidimensional lifting machines. Any individual using the Fitness Center must following the policies listed below.

  1. All persons must have current and valid Goldey-Beacom College Lightning Card when using the facility.
  2. Only Goldey-Beacom College Students, Faculty, and Staff, who are 18 years or older, are permitted to use the facilities.
  3. Shirts must be worn at all times when in the Fitness Center.
  4. Proper footwear must be worn at all times.
  5. Any person using profanity, fighting, spitting or any other disruptive behavior will be asked to leave the facility.
  6. In case of an emergency, contact Campus Security at (302) 547-0988.

Any student under the age of 18 years old MUST complete a waiver prior to using any equipment in the Fitness Center.