Return to: Residence Life Information
The Residence Halls are officially closed and apartments may not be entered or occupied without a contract during the semester break between academic sessions. Residence Hall openings and closings will be publicized each semester. Bedroom codes will be changed during the summer break period. The Office of Residence Life is not responsible for any item left behind in apartments during summer/winter breaks.
Winter Break
Students will need to complete a Winter Housing Contract to stay on campus during winter break. Students who are approved to stay over break will remain in their current locations. In order to be approved to stay on campus for winter break, a student must fulfill the academic requirements mentioned in the “Academic Requirement” section. Request for exceptions to this policy must be made in writing to the Director of Residence and Student Life. All students must depart from the residence halls by 12:00pm (noon), Friday, December 14, 2018.
Students in need of an extension must submit a written request and receive approval in writing in advance from the Director of Residence and Student Life. For students who request an extension for reasons other than academic or College requirement, the cost is $85.00 per night.
Summer Break
Students will need to complete a Summer Housing Contract to stay on campus during summer break. In order to stay on campus over the summer session, a student must fulfill the academic requirements mentioned in the “Academic Requirement” section. Students who are approved to stay over break will be relocated to meet the needs of the College. The Office of Residence Life reserves the right to determine what location will be deemed summer housing.
All students must depart from the residence halls by 8:00pm Thursday, May 2, 2019. Students, who have a final on Thursday night, May 2, 2019 and wish to stay past the 8:00pm deadline, must submit a Housing Extension Application in advance and receive approval from the Director of Residence and Student Life. For students who request an extension for reasons other than academic or College requirement, the cost is $85.00 per night. Any item(s) found by the Office of Residence Life after the move-out time period will be removed and disposed.
Late/Improper Checkout
Any student, who is not checked out prior to the established check-out time, will be charged a $50.00 improper checkout fee. This is in addition to an $85.00 per day extended stay charge. Students who fail to follow the move-out procedures including the ones listed below will forfeit their rights to appeal any damages/cleaning charges assessed to them.
Failure to:
- Check-out of the residence halls prior to the established check-out date and time.
- Check-out with Residence Life staff member.
Emergency Closing
The College reserves the right to cancel classes and evacuate the residence halls in the event of severe weather, loss of power, a health emergency or other unforeseen emergency situations. The College will use gbcALERT Notifications to send updates on emergency conditions on or around campus as well as weather cancellations or delays. Students are automatically enrolled for emergency notifications with their GBC Email addresses and mobile phone numbers on record. To update or add additional emails and mobile phone numbers or opt out of text messages, visit: In the event of a residence hall evacuation, residents must contact parents/guardians.