Feb 18, 2025  
2019-2020 Student Handbook 
2019-2020 Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Policies

Abuse of Minors-Obligation to Report Policy

Every employee and volunteer of the College has the ethical and legal responsibility to report any knowledge or suspicion of sexual or physical abuse of a minor. The term “minor” includes, but is not limited to, enrolled students under the age of 18, dual enrollment students taking both College and high school classwork, youth enrolled in athletic camps and clinics, and any other person under the age of 18 who is visiting or living on campus. Employees are legally bound to report such abuse even if told in confidence by the minor. Uncertainty about the accuracy of the incident(s) is never an excuse for not reporting.

The College has instituted the following procedures that apply to anyone who sees, hears, or knows about possible child abuse:

  1. If you witness an incident involving the sexual or physical abuse of a minor, or learn of circumstances involving a minor who faces imminent harm, you must immediately contact the police by calling 911.
  2. If you see, hear, or know about a situation involving the sexual or physical abuse of a minor, you must report this knowledge or suspicion to the Delaware Department of Services for Children and Their Families (“DSCYF”). All such reports should be made by calling the Child Abuse and Neglect Report Line number at 1-800-292-9582. Please note that this is required under Delaware law and failure to follow this requirement could place you at risk of substantial fines by the State. Further, please note that this step must be taken regardless of the severity/immediacy of the incident, and must be taken even if you call the police.
  3. Finally, any GBC employee who becomes aware of such allegations is also required to report the concern to a Title IX Coordinator.

Immediate action is essential to protect all children on the College’s campus and is required by Delaware law.


Alcohol and Drugs Policy

Goldey-Beacom College is an educational institution committed to maintaining an environment that allows students to benefit fully from the learning experience and to fully understand the negative consequences of the illicit use of alcohol and drugs in their lives. All students, staff, and faculty are part of this learning environment and need to understand the College’s expectations regarding alcohol and drug use.

The unauthorized use and abuse of alcohol and/or drugs interfere with the learning experience. Students and employees who do not conform to these expectations will be subject to disciplinary action and confiscation of alcoholic beverages and/or illegal drugs.  
To ensure alcohol and illegal drugs do not interfere with the goals of the College, and in accordance with the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, Goldey-Beacom College is informing you about relevant policies on alcohol and drugs and about associated legal and health risks.

Standards of Conduct

The unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs and alcohol by students and employees on its property or as part of its activities is strictly prohibited.

Goldey-Beacom College’s policy on alcohol and drugs is as follows:


  • The legal age for the purchase or consumption of alcoholic beverages in the State of Delaware is 21 years of age. Penalty for violation of this law (Title IV, Section 904F of the Delaware Code) is arrest and fine.
  • Possession, consumption, or display of alcoholic beverages in any public area of the College buildings or grounds is strictly forbidden. Possession of alcohol in cups or containers in any public area is also forbidden.
  • The presence of any such beverage at a College-sponsored event is forbidden unless previously approved by College officials in writing. Off-campus activities held by student organizations should be discussed with the Student Affairs Office.
  • The presence of a limited quantity of alcohol for personal use in the campus apartments of students in Miller, Jackson and Abel Halls is acceptable only for those students who are the legal age of 21 or older so long as it is not publicly displayed (such as from balconies or residence hall steps) and it is not provided to those who are under age.  Leach Hall is deemed a “dry” building, and alcohol is prohibited at all times.
  • Public intoxication or disorderly behavior while under the influence may result in appropriate judicial action, and, in the case of a minor, parents may be notified.
  • Each residential student, who is of the legal drinking age of 21 years old not residing in Leach Hall, is permitted to possess and/or consume a limited amount of alcohol in the residence halls. The privilege to consume alcohol may be revoked at any time for violations of the Alcohol and Drug Policy. 
  • An underage student found by Residence Life Staff/Campus Security to be in the presence of alcohol will be subject to judicial action. Students under the age of 21 are never permitted to be in the presence of alcohol except for the following exception. Minors, whose roommate(s) are of legal drinking age, are permitted to be present in their assigned apartment if the roommate(s) are consuming alcohol. No other minor is permitted to be present during the consumption of the alcohol.
  • Only Goldey-Beacom College resident students of legal drinking age are permitted to transport alcoholic beverages into or within the residential areas which are not deemed “DRY.” Alcohol that is being transported onto or around campus must be in its original container and unopened.
  • Kegs, beer balls, and grain alcohol are NOT permitted in the residence halls at any time.
  • Public intoxication or disorderly behavior while under the influence of alcohol or any other substance is prohibited and, if observed by staff, may result in judicial action. 
  • Possession, consumption, or display of alcoholic beverages in any public area, including the hallways and stairwells of the residence halls, of the College buildings or grounds is strictly forbidden. Possession of alcohol in cups or containers in any public area is also forbidden. The College reserves the right to search any bag (duffel, handbag, grocery, etc.,) if alcohol is suspected.
  • Display of alcohol containers and advertisements in windows or on balconies is prohibited, as is the public display of alcohol and alcohol or drug related signs/decorations within apartments.
  • Students and their guests who are 21 years old and older may not consume or possess alcohol in apartments where none of the residents are 21. If a resident of the apartment is 21 years of age, that resident must be present when the drinking is taking place.
  • Any student, regardless of age, is prohibited from providing alcohol to minors. The student who has the privilege of possessing alcohol for personal consumption will be held responsible for any of that amount which is possessed or consumed by minors and, if any alcohol present in an apartment is consumed by minors, all residents of that apartment will be held responsible.

Drugs and Paraphernalia

  • The possession, use, or sale of any illegal or controlled substance is forbidden. The College will cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies and will not shield students from the law. The possession of illegal substances is punishable by arrest, fine, and/or imprisonment under the Delaware Code.
  • Resident students are responsible for substances used in their apartment by other students or external guests.
  • The presence of paraphernalia such as water pipes (hookahs), bongs, roach clips, syringes, etc., will be treated as the presence of an illegal substance. Any and all are not permitted on the Goldey-Beacom College campus.
  • The College will confiscate any illegal or controlled substances. In collaboration with the State Police of Delaware, all confiscated illegal or controlled substances will be destroyed.

Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana which is prescribed for healing purposes is prohibited at Goldey-Beacom College.  Goldey-Beacom College receives federal funding through Title IV in the form of student financial aid (grants, loans, and work-study programs). As a condition of accepting these funds, Goldey-Beacom College is required to certify that it complies with the Drug-Free Schools, and Communities Act (DFSCA) (20 U.S.C. 1145g part 86 of the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Regulations). The federal government regulates drugs through the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) (21 U.S.C. A 811) which does not recognize the difference between medical and recreational use of marijuana. Thus to comply with the Federal Drug Free School and Communities Act, Goldey-Beacom College must prohibit all marijuana use, including medical marijuana, and impose sanctions for its use or possession.

Medical Amnesty Policy

Student health and safety are of primary concern at the College. As such, in cases of significant intoxication as a result of alcohol or other substances, the College encourages individuals to seek medical assistance for themselves or others.

If medical assistance is sought, the Student Affairs Office will not pursue conduct charges against the following individuals for violations of the College’s Alcohol or Drug policy:

  • The intoxicated student and
  • Student(s) actively assisting the intoxicated student.

“Actively assisting” requires that an individual:

  • Call for assistance;  
    • Campus Security (302-547-0988), OR
    • 911, OR
    • Resident Assistant ( 302-593-0169) 
  • Monitor the intoxicated student’s condition.

The following are not covered by the Medical Amnesty Policy:

  • Students waiting until the police or other authority arrive before seeking assistance
  • Violations of the Code of Conduct other than the alcohol/drugs policy
  • Possession with the intent to distribute drugs.

Actions by the Student Affairs Office:

  • The intoxicated student (and possibly those who were attending to/assisting the student) will be required to meet with a member of the Student Affairs Office who may issue educational requirements that may include, but are not limited to, alcohol and/or drug education.
  • Serious or repeated incidents will prompt a higher degree of concern/response.
  • Failure to complete the educational assignments will result in disciplinary action.

​The College does not condone the use of alcohol and drugs and accepts no responsibility for the possession, use, consumption, manufacture, sale or distribution of alcohol and/or drugs off-campus, including at events or functions in whole or in part by one or more student organizations or individuals.  A student hosting or attending an off-campus function should be aware that the College may impose sanctions listed under the Student Code of Conduct  for such behavior


Goldey-Beacom College will impose educational and/or disciplinary sanctions on students and employees which will be consistent with existing local, state, and federal law.  This may indicate actions up to and including expulsion from the College, termination of employment, and referral for prosecution by law enforcement agencies.

Students who violate the Alcohol and Drug Policy are subject to the judicial sanctions under the Student Code of Conduct  and will be subject to disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the Student Affairs Office. Any student in violation of these policies may receive penalties that include formal warnings, mandatory abuse evaluation by professionals, or expulsion from the College and/or College housing.

Employees who violate the Alcohol and Drugs Policy are subject to disciplinary action, including probation or employment termination, listed in the Staff Personnel Policy Manual, which can be found on the GBC Faculty and Staff Intranet. Depending on the circumstance, an employee may be required to undergo rehabilitation should use of alcohol and/or drugs negatively impact the employee’s job performance.

Health Risks

Goldey-Beacom College conducts ongoing educational programming on the health risks of alcohol and drug use.  Students or employees seeking specific information on these risks may contact the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (800-676-1730).  The College sponsors ongoing educational programming examining the risks of substance abuse.  All are encouraged to attend.

The following is a brief description of several drugs and their health risks.

  1. Alcohol:  When alcohol is abused, the consequences to the body can be severe.  All systems of the body are affected.  Both physical and psychological dependence can occur. The effects on the central nervous system include poor memory, premature aging of the brain and loss of reasoning ability.  There is also the possibility of an increase of cancer of the mouth, larynx and the esophagus along with the possibility of heart rhythm disturbances.  In addition, alcohol abuse can lead to significant liver damage.  Blackouts, accidents caused by impaired coordination, and pregnancy risks are other dangers.
  2. Marijuana:  Users often have chronic bronchitis and run the added risk of lung cancer.  Heavy users, especially among the young adult population, may show slow and confused thinking, loss of energy, and physical discomfort caused by abdominal cramps and diarrhea.  Other side effects associated with chronic use of marijuana are chromosome damage, decreased levels of the male sex hormone, and brain damage.  Psychological dependence may result.
  3. Cocaine:  Cocaine abusers often have a stuffy, runny nose with eczema around the nostrils and possible perforation of the nasal septum. Nosebleeds are common.  In addition, cocaine can cause delirium, hallucinations, blurred vision, severe chest pain, muscle spasms, convulsions, and even death.  Heart attack and seizures can also occur. The drug leads to rapid dependency.
  4. Amphetamines:  These drugs can cause very rapid or irregular heartbeat, tremors, loss of coordination, collapse and even death from heart failure or from burst blood vessels in the brain.  Heavy users are prone to irrational acts, insomnia, and nervousness.
  5. Heroin:  This is a highly addictive opiate drug that causes the body to have diminished pain reaction. Some of the risks associated with the use of heroin include slowing of the heart rate so that coma and death can be induced.  Other risks include chronic constipation and depression of male and female sex hormones.
  6. Prescription Drugs:  These drugs are not illicit if they are used in accordance with the prescription. However, sharing prescription medication with someone else is illegal and could be very harmful.  Some prescription drugs, such as those containing opiates, can be highly addictive and can cause severe dependency and intense withdrawal symptoms.

State of Delaware and Federal Drug Laws

The sections of the Delaware Criminal Code dealing with drug laws are extensive.  Those with specific questions about the law should seek legal advice and not rely on this summary for complete information.


The law prescribes ranges of permissible penalties upon conviction of any offenses.  The penalties are more severe for delivery (or possession with intent to deliver) than for possession.  A jail sentence may be imposed for any of these offenses.  Under Delaware law, the judge, at his or her discretion, may impose any sentence within the range allowed by the law.  Some examples are:


  1. Any person who manufactures, delivers, or possesses with intent to manufacture or deliver a controlled substance or a counterfeit controlled substance classified in Schedule I or II which is a narcotic drug is guilty of a class C felony and shall be fined not more than $50,000.
  2. Any person who manufactures, delivers, or possesses with the intent to manufacture or deliver a controlled substance or a counterfeit controlled substance classified in Schedule III, IV or V which is a narcotic drug is guilty of a class E felony and shall be fined not more than $15,000.


  1. Illegal possession, use, or consumption of any controlled or counterfeit substance that is a narcotic drug.  Fines are not more than $2,300 and may include imprisonment without probation, restitution or other conditions as the court deems appropriate.
  2. Illegal possession, use, or consumption of any controlled or counterfeit substance in Schedules I-V that is not a narcotic drug.  Fines are not more than $1,150 and may include imprisonment without probation, restitution or other conditions as the court deems appropriate.

Drugs are divided into five categories (or schedules) by law.  By way of example, Schedule I - heroin, PCP, marijuana, LSD, mescaline and certain opiates; Schedule II - cocaine, amphetamines, many depressants and certain barbiturates; Schedule III - stimulants, short-term barbiturates, and certain narcotics; Schedule IV - Darvon, depressants and barbiturates with lower potential for abuse; and Schedule V - many other drugs with lowest potential for abuse.

There are numerous exceptions and variation in possible penalties.  For example, more severe penalties for anyone delivering or attempting to deliver to a person under eighteen (18) years of age, and more severe penalties for repeat offenders.  For second offenders, for delivery or possession with intent to deliver a narcotic drug, there is a mandatory jail sentence which is not subject to probation, parole, or suspension.

Federal trafficking penalties may range from mandatory fines to life imprisonment, depending upon the substance, the amount, and injury/death to others.  Repeat offenders receive far more serious penalty.  Specific fines and sentencing data are available from the Student Affairs Office.

Treatment and Counseling

​The staff of the College will work diligently to refer and arrange entry into treatment programming for any student or employee needing help.  Any student seeking referral or information may do so by contacting the Student Affairs Office (302-225-6332).  Employees may contact Human Resources (302-225-6292) for assistance or may contact their personal physicians for referral.  Students or employees may also wish to directly seek help by contacting any of the following:

  US Department of Health & Human Services: Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration Treatment referral hotline:
Brandywine Counseling and Community Services
(302) 656-2348
  Open Door, Inc.
(302) 731-1504

Student Assistance Program

A hard copy of the Alcohol and Drugs Policy can be obtained from the Student Affairs Office.


Commercial Advertising and Sales Policy

Goldey-Beacom College is private property and is interested in regulating commercial activity on campus to promote an educational rather than a commercial atmosphere, to promote fire safety, to maintain buildings and grounds, and to provide security for students and employees. As a result, the College has established the following policies:

Commercial Advertising: Commercial advertising is not permitted on the Goldey-Beacom College campus without prior approval from the Student Affairs Office. Unauthorized signs or posters will be immediately removed and legal action may be taken if necessary to prevent repeat offenses. College community members, including current students, staff, and faculty, wishing to sell personal items such as books, cars, etc., may advertise on appropriate bulletin boards designated for this purpose with prior approval from the Student Affairs Office.

Commercial Sales: No commercial soliciting, vending, or marketing is permitted on the Goldey-Beacom College campus without prior written approval from the Student Affairs Office.

Additional information pertaining to the “Commercial Advertising and Sales Policy” may be obtained by contacting the Student Affairs Office.


Dress and Grooming Policy

Visitors and students must wear shoes, shirts, and suitable attire. Dress and grooming should be clean, sanitary, and respectful of others. The student’s dress should not disrupt the teaching/learning process or cause undue attention to an individual student. Underwear or what appears to be underwear should not be visible and attire should not display obscene, profane, sexist, lewd, illegal or offensive images or words. This includes references to drug usage and violence.


Drone Policy

Goldey-Beacom College supports and encourages the use of innovative technology in research and education.  Unmanned aircraft systems (“UAS” or “drones”) represent a rapidly growing industry, creating unique educational, research, commercial and recreational opportunities for faculty, students, and the broader campus community.  This policy attempts to reduce the risks to safety, security, and privacy due to the operation of UAS or drones on College property.  All persons operating UAS or drones on College property shall ensure compliance with all applicable federal, state, local rules and regulations and College policies and procedures.

Persons interested in obtaining authorization for UAS or drone operations shall submit the Application for Authorization    to the Goldey-Beacom College Student Affairs Office at:

Student Affairs Office
Phone: 302-225-6332
Application may be sent electronically via email to the following address:  studentaffairs@gbc.edu

Any notifications, or inquiries concerning UAS or drone operations on College property, shall also be submitted to the above address. All applications for authorization shall be submitted at least two weeks in advance of the planned flight date.  All required elements of an application must be received before the application can be reviewed and/or approved by the College.

All authorized UAS or drone operations shall be in accordance with all federal, state, and local rules and regulations. All authorized UAS or drone operations shall also be in strict adherence to all applicable College policies, including but not limited to policies that promote the safety, security and privacy of College personnel.

If the UAS or drone is operated by a contractor pursuant to an authorization under this policy, they shall be accompanied by a representative of the College at all times.


Emergency Closing

The College reserves the right to cancel classes and evacuate the College campus, including the Residence Halls, in the event of severe weather, a loss of power, a health emergency or other unforeseen emergency situations.


Hazing Policy

Hazing is defined as subjecting any member or prospective member of an intercollegiate sports team, club, or any other organization to any action or situation intended to produce mental or physical harassment, embarrassment, or ridicule. This includes, but is not limited to, such things as silly costumes, line-ups, forced exercise, humiliating comments, nudity, forced drinking, and other activities used by members to harass or demean fellow students.

In full endorsement of the policies of the NCAA and state legislation, Goldey-Beacom College will not condone or tolerate any such hazing practices. Individuals participating in hazing practices will be referred to the Dean of Students who may impose sanctions as deemed necessary. In addition, hazing activities will result in the immediate minimum one-year probation for any organization as determined by the Dean of Students. Further activities of this nature may result in a one-year revocation of any organization charter. After that year, any organization may apply for reinstatement by providing satisfactory evidence to the Dean of Students that the prohibition against hazing is being diligently enforced. Any member of the College community is encouraged to report such activities. Full anonymity is assured.


Immunization Requirement Policy

Meningococcal Meningitis, Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) are highly contagious diseases.  In order to prevent these diseases, Goldey-Beacom College and the State of Delaware require immunization documentation from all matriculating full-time students.   

Entering full-time students must provide information on their vaccination history for these diseases or request an exemption for medical or religious purposes.   An undergraduate student is defined as full-time if the student is enrolled in twelve credits or more during one semester.  A graduate student is defined as full-time if the student is enrolled in nine credits or more in one semester. Students residing on campus will not be permitted to move into the residence halls prior to completing the immunization requirements (verified by Med+Proctor).  Students will receive a registration email from the College’s third party immunization vendor, Med+Proctor.  Students and parents who have questions regarding this policy may contact the Student Affairs Office at 302-225-6332.

A student will be exempt from the immunization requirements if the student objects on the grounds that vaccination or tests conflict with religious beliefs by providing a notarized document that immunizations are against the student’s religious beliefs or by providing a letter signed by a licensed physician that certifies that immunization may be detrimental to the student’s health. 

Required Immunizations: The College follows the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for immunizations. 

  • Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR): Two doses required
    • Every student is required to have two doses of the MMR vaccine. 
    • Please note that the interval between the first and second doses must be at least 28 days.
  • Meningococcal Meningitis: One dose and booster if received prior to age 16.
    • All 11 to 12 year olds should be vaccinated with a single dose of quadrivalent (protects against serogroups A, C, W, and Y) meningococcal conjugate vaccine.
    • Since protection wanes, a booster dose is required at age 16 through 18 years old so adolescents continue to have protection during the ages when they are at highest risk of meningococcal disease.

Students and/or parents/guardians should talk to a health care provider about what is best for the student’s specific situation regarding immunizations. 

Library Borrowing Privilege Policy

Currently enrolled students who are in good standing and have an updated Lightning Card are welcome to check books and other circulating materials out of the Hirons Library & Learning Center. These items must be returned by the due date, unless officially renewed. Overdue books result in a fine of ten cents per day and books not returned by the last day of the semester when they were checked out will lead to a loss of borrowing privileges, a hold on the student’s account in the Business Office, and a delay in the mailing of diploma and/or transcripts. Students are encouraged to contact the Library if a book is lost so that fines do not continue to accumulate: lost books and all items not returned by the last day of the semester will be billed to the student’s account in the Business Office at a flat rate of $100 each for items from Goldey-Beacom College and $200 for items from Inter-Library Loan.

Additional information pertaining to the Hirons Library & Learning Center and its services may be obtained by contacting the Hirons Library & Learning Center or by visiting the Hirons Library & Learning Center Website.


Parking and Parking Lot Policies

Current students may obtain a parking permit in the Student Affairs Office. (See Parking Permits )

General Information:

  • Parking permits are mandatory for identification and safety purposes and should be hung on the rear view mirror of the vehicle for easy observation.
  • Failure to abide by all regulations could result in suspension or loss of driving/parking privileges.
  • VEHICLES MAY BE TOWED AT OWNER’S EXPENSE for not abiding by posted “No Parking” and “Reserved” signs, yellow curb, fire lanes, and “Handicapped Parking Only” signs.
  • Motor vehicles may not be operated in excess of 15 miles per hour while on campus.
  • No maintenance of vehicles is permitted on-campus.
  • All vehicles parked on campus must be in running order and properly insured.
  • Vehicles considered abandoned (not bearing current parking permit and/or current vehicle registration and a valid license plate on the vehicle) will be towed at owner’s(s’) expense.
  • A student residing on campus is permitted to park only one vehicle on campus at any time.
  • A bike rack is located behind Fulmer Center. Bicycles are not permitted in any College building.
  • Loud music/amplified bass is prohibited while in all Goldey-Beacom College parking lots.

Accidents: Automobile accidents that occur on campus should be reported to the Student Affairs Office, Campus Security, and the Police as appropriate.

Emergencies: In the event of an emergency regarding vehicular batteries or locked vehicles, please contact the Student Affairs Office or Campus Security. If a battery pack is required, the student requesting the battery pack is required to complete a waiver form and provide an updated Lightning Card or valid Driver’s License. College personnel are not permitted to assist other than by providing the use of a telephone or allowing equipment to be signed out. Goldey-Beacom College cannot be held liable for damages to vehicles while on campus.


Personal Care Attendant Policy

Goldey-Beacom College permits qualified students who require the assistance of a personal care attendant (PCA) to use personal care services to access all building facilities, classrooms, programs, activities, and events. Under this policy, the College does not provide individuals with personal devices or services of a personal nature including assistance with personal care services (i.e., dressing, bathing, feeding, transfers, errands, etc.). While the responsibility for hiring, training, supervising and payment for these services belongs to the student needing care, the College will provide students with a list of local agencies to arrange these services at the end of this policy. Students are encouraged to hire impartial PCAs who are not family members or close friends. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the College does not provide direct PCA services and is not responsible or liable for any consequences resulting from a student’s association with a PCA.

  1. Definitions
    1. Qualified Students with a Disability: Qualified students with a disability are identified as individuals who have submitted medical documentation to the College to support consideration for accommodations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
    2. Personal Care: Personal care is the provision of routine daily tasks of a personal nature that enables individuals to function independently in their daily lives and environment. The activities that PCAs assist individuals with include, but are not limited to:
      • Providing help with walking, bathing, dressing, toileting, grooming, preparing meals, and feeding
      • Monitoring any medical condition, observing vital signs, and reminding to take prescribed medications
      • Transporting or escorting
      • Assisting with maintenance of the home environment including cleaning, laundry, etc.
      • Assisting with manual tasks such as turning pages, retrieving books, taking on and off coats, and opening doors
      • Providing cognitive assistance and monitoring
    3. Personal Care Attendant (PCA): Personal care attendant (also known as a personal attendant or an aide) is a person hired by a qualified student with a disability to perform activities of daily living duties in the College’s residence halls, classrooms, programs, and activities. Personal care attendants are NOT classroom assistants. Personal care attendants have no authority to assist with any academically-related tasks in the classroom or other academic settings.
  2. Student’s Responsibility
    It is the student’s responsibility to
    1. Submit a copy of Medical Documentation from a physician or medical professional to verify a PCA is necessary to accommodate a student’s current medical condition no later than four (4) weeks before the start of classes.
    2. Secure a PCA prior to attending any college-related activity, i.e. orientation, registration, and class attendance. (The College will not be responsible for providing a PCA on an interim basis.)
    3. Register PCA with the Student Affairs Office by submitting a copy of the contractual agreement. This documentation could cover a specific person, or an agency providing services by more than one person. The contract must stipulate that the services required by the student will in fact be provided by the PCA.
    4. Sign the Personal Care Attendant Agreement form each semester.
    5. Ensure that each PCA registers with the Student Affairs Office and signs the Personal Care Attendant Agreement each semester.
    6. Ensure that if PCA personnel changes occur during the semester, he/she and the new PCA registers with the Student Affairs Office and signs a new Personal Care Attendant Agreement form.
    7. Ensure that the Lightning Card of the PCA is immediately returned to the Student Affairs Office in the event a PCA’s employment with the student is terminated.
    8. Direct the activities of the PCA while at the College.
    9. Ensure that the PCA has a copy of the PCA Policy, Goldey-Beacom College Student Handbook, and Residence Life policies, if applicable.
    10. Have a backup plan or alternative plan of action should the regular PCA not be available to work with the student on a particular day.
    11. Follow the College’s policies and procedures and abide by the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct.
  3. PCA Expectations
    The PCA is expected to
    1. Adhere to Goldey-Beacom College’s Code of Conduct as well as any and all other College policies, rules, regulations, and procedures.
    2. Conduct oneself in a courteous and professional manner while on campus.
    3. Not discuss any confidential information about the student with faculty, staff, or students.
    4. Allow the student to take responsibility for the student’s own progress and/or behavior.
    5. Refrain from contact with or asking questions of faculty, staff, or others on behalf of the student.
    6. Refrain from intervening in conversations between the student and faculty, staff, or other students.
    7. Refrain from working on or completing any of the student’s academic assignments.
    8. Complete and sign the Personal Care Attendant Agreement form each semester and adhere to the requirements within.
      Any PCA who fails to abide by the above policies and procedures and/or those outlined on the Personal Care Attendant Agreement form may be subject to removal from the residence halls, expulsion from the College campus, loss of all privileges, and/or any other action the College considers appropriate in the event the College determines that the PCA has acted in a manner inconsistent with College policies and procedures.
  4. Use of PCAs in the College’s Residence Halls
    To live in the College’s residence halls, students with a disability who require the service of a PCA to assist with activities of daily living must secure these services no later than four (4) weeks before the start of classes to ensure adequate housing can be arranged. Students should follow these guidelines to arrange PCA services.
    1. Submit a copy of Medical Documentation from a physician or medical professional to verify these arrangements are necessary to accommodate a student’s current medical condition to live in the College’s residence halls.
    2. Complete a Housing Contract and submit it along with the required payment to the Office of Residence Life.
    3. Register PCA with the Office of Residence Life by submitting a copy of the contractual agreement. This documentation could cover a specific person, or an agency providing services by more than one person. The contract must stipulate that the services required by the student will in fact be provided by the PCA.
    4. Submit a copy of their criminal background checks, which may be obtained from the contracting agency in situations where the student is working with an agency.
    5. Submit the name and telephone number of their PCAs to the Office of Residence Life.
    6. All registered PCAs are required to show a Goldey-Beacom College Lightning Card that permits them to enter the student’s residence hall and designated academic buildings. This Lightning Card will be issued by the Student Affairs Office once PCA information is approved.
    7. Should students fail to properly register PCAs with the Student Affairs Office, PCAs will be denied entry into all College facilities until appropriate documentation is received and proper College ID card is issued.
    8. College Lightning Cards are valid for one semester only. Lightning Cards should be returned to the Student Affairs Office at the end of the semester or termination of contract, whichever comes first.
    9. Students are responsible for providing a copy of the PCA policy to their PCAs.
    10. PCAs are required to follow all College rules, regulations, policies, and procedures while on College property and/or in the residence halls. PCAs found not abiding by this policy will be asked to leave campus immediately, regardless of the contractual arrangement they have with the student(s).
  5. Appeals Process
    If a student’s PCA is asked to leave campus for a violation to the PCA policy, the student receiving services may file an appeal and request a review of the alleged violation and resulting sanction.

    If a student wishes to appeal the sanction, the student must send a written appeal to the Judicial Board on Student Matters within ten (10) business days of the “delivery receipt” date. The written appeal must set forth the basis for the appeal in detail. The Judicial Board on Student Matters will notify the student within ten (10) business days of the receipt of the student’s appeal as to whether the Judicial Board on Student Matters will hear the appeal. If the Judicial Board on Student Matters decides to hear an appeal, the notice to the student shall include the time and place of the administrative hearing, and a copy of the procedures that will be used during the hearing. Such hearings will occur during standard business hours during the Fall and Spring semesters.

    For rights and responsibilities regarding the administrative hearing process, the student should refer to the “Student Appeal Process ” in the Goldey-Beacom College Student Handbook and Code of Conduct.

Written appeals should be submitted to:
Judicial Board on Student Matters
Goldey-Beacom College
4701 Limestone Road
Wilmington, DE 19808

  1. Additional Resources
    Students are responsible for hiring, paying, training and supervising their personal care attendants. However, the College recognizes the need to support students unfamiliar with these arrangements in the early stages of the registration process. Listed here are a few local providers of personal care services in the area. Goldey-Beacom College does not endorse the services of any particular vendor and offers this information only as a starting point to arrange services.

State of Delaware
Delaware Health and Social Services
Division of Services for Aging and Adjusts with Physical Disabilities
Herman M. Holloway, Sr. Campus
Main Administration Building, First Floor Annex
1901 N. DuPont Highway
New Castle, DE 19720
(302) 255-9390 or 1-800-223-9074
Fax: (302) 255-4445

JEVS Supports for Independence
Monroe Office Center, 2nd Floor
One winding Way
Philadelphia, PA 19131TEL: (267) 298-1364
TF: 1-800-610-7910
WEB: www.jevshumanservices.org


Pet Policy

Students and visitors are not permitted to bring pets to campus, including residence halls.  Service animals that are trained to perform a task for the benefit of a person with a disability are not considered pets.  Exceptions to the pet policy may be made for emotional support animals with proper documentation.

Recreational Equipment Policy (Skates, Skateboards, Bicycles, etc.)

Current students, staff, and faculty who use skates, skateboards, bicycles, scooters, and sleds on campus do so at their own risk. The College will not be liable for any injury. Bicycles and other recreational equipment are not permitted in the Fulmer or Jones Centers.


Responsible Computing and Use of College Resources


The Policy for Responsible Computing and Use of College Resources regulates the use of the network and technology resources at Goldey-Beacom College. All network users must comply with local, state, and federal laws relating to copyright, security, and electronic media.

The Office of Information Technology (OIT) assigns a network account to GBC users for accessing the College’s technology resources which include the following:

  • Campus Web
  • Cyber Café
  • gbcALERT System
  • GBC Email
  • GBC Wi-Fi
  • Hirons Library and Learning Center
  • Kiosks
  • Lightning Central
  • Classrooms
  • Specific computers located in College offices
  • Teaching Labs
  • Online services operated on behalf of the College, including Office 365, OneDrive for Business, Skype for Business, Yammer, and Zoom

These resources are available to currently enrolled GBC students for the completion of their coursework and to staff and faculty currently employed by the College. A GBC Network Account is created for students when they start their education at Goldey-Beacom College. It is available for use throughout the student’s entire college career at GBC.

Downloading and sharing copyrighted material (software, music or video files, etc.) without permission is a federal offense. Downloading or sharing copyrighted materials may result in the loss of network access privileges.

NOTE: OIT does not provide technical support for personally owned computers and devices, including those used on the College network.

  1. Use of Hirons Library and Learning Center, Classrooms, Teaching Labs, and College Office computers
    These areas are intended to be a work place and the following rules are designed to safeguard the equipment and environment:
    1. Food, candy, and smoking are not permitted in the teaching labs, classrooms, and library and learning center. Only water bottles which have screw-on lids are permitted, provided they are closed while the student is working.
    2. Only current GBC students and employees are permitted network access in these areas.
    3. Prospective GBC students are permitted in the Hirons Library and Learning Center and must see the Student Tech Assistant to register for use of a guest account.
    4. Inappropriate language or offensive behavior is not permitted and will not be tolerated.
    5. These areas are working environments, not student lounges or game rooms. Therefore, noise will not be tolerated and students may be asked to leave.
    6. Phone calls are not permitted in these areas.
    7. Students are permitted to sign in to only one PC at a time.
    8. Illegally copying software is prohibited and violators may be prosecuted.
    9. Downloading and sharing copyrighted material (software, music or video files, etc.) without permission is a federal offense. Downloading or sharing copyrighted materials may result in the loss of network access privileges.
    10. Users should use a removable storage device, (e.g. an USB flash drive) or cloud storage (One Drive) to save their work. Any work saved on the hard drive will be deleted automatically at sign out/reboot in the teaching labs, classrooms, library and learning center, kiosks, and student access computers located in College offices.
    11. Users are expected to clean up their workstation space upon leaving, i.e. dispose of trash, pick up printed documents, and push in chairs.
    12. Any signed in/locked computer located in a lab or the library and learning center unattended for more than thirty minutes may be rebooted.
    13. Printing is limited to the requirements for a student’s GBC coursework. Students are not permitted to print textbooks in part or their entirety. Users should conserve paper by saving the information to a file (on an USB flash drive, cloud storage, etc.) and reading it later. More information about student printing is available on the Technology tab on Campus Web.
  2. Use of the Cyber Café
    1. Food and drinks are permitted in the Café.
    2. Only current GBC students and employees are permitted access in this area.
    3. Inappropriate language or offensive behavior is not permitted and will not be tolerated.
    4. Students are permitted to sign in to only one PC at a time.
    5. Illegally copying software is prohibited and violators may be prosecuted.
    6. Users should use a removable storage device (e.g. an USB flash drive) or cloud storage (OneDrive for Business) to save their work. Any work saved on the hard drive will be deleted automatically at sign out/reboot.
    7. Users are expected to clean up their workstation space before leaving, i.e. clean up any spills, dispose of trash and push in chairs.
    8. Any signed in/locked computer located in the Café unattended for more than thirty minutes may be rebooted.
  3. Use of GBC Email
    1. Students and employees are responsible for maintaining their official GBC Email accounts and are expected to check them on a frequent and consistent basis.
    2. Students and employees have the responsibility to recognize that certain communications may be time-critical.
    3. Inappropriate language should not be used in email messages.
    4. Email is not to be sent to the entire student population.
    5. Sending junk email, unsolicited or offensive email is not permitted and will not be tolerated.
    6. Students are responsible for maintaining their mailbox size below 100 MB, i.e., empty the Deleted Items folder, and delete old and junk email. File attachments increase the mailbox size; therefore students and employees are advised to save them to a removable storage device or share them using OneDrive for Business and delete the email message.
    7. The GBC Email account is provided by the College for educational purposes only. The College does not provide this account for any other personal or commercial use.
  4. Use of the College’s Network and Technology Services
    Technology services provided by the College are for educational purposes only. The College does not provide these services for any other personal or commercial use.
    1. All users must change their initial password to a personalized secure password as a security measure. Refer to detailed instructions posted on the Technology tab of Campus Web.
    2. All activities of College Network Accounts are governed by having the account password, so it is important that GBC Network Account and/or passwords are not given to anyone (including family members). GBC staff and faculty - including OIT staff members - will never ask any GBC network user for their password.
    3. It is important that all network users protect GBC Network Account username and password information as they would their social security number. Do not place them in an easily accessible place, e.g. on a desk in a dorm room or office.
    4. Any GBC network user will be held accountable for any abuse of technology resources associated with their GBC Network Account.
    5. Users are not permitted to sign in to the GBC network and/or technology resources using anyone else’s GBC Network Account.
    6. Users are also not permitted to sign in to the GBC network and/or technology resources and then allow someone else to use their signed-in session.
    7. Appropriate language should be used in all computing activities, including email messages, online posts, chat, audio and video communications, etc.
    8. Excessive media streaming, running a server application, or other activities that place a heavy load on the College network are not permitted.
    9. Users should be aware that the computer systems are the property of the College and that email messages, Internet usage history, any other computer files, diagnostic logs, and other network traffic are subject to review at the discretion of the College. In the case of harassment complaints, illegal violations, or a network security incident (including but not limited to hardware, software, or attacks by hackers), OIT staff members are authorized to inspect and remove any information, files, or diagnostic data necessary to investigate complaints, resolve the incident, or protect the network systems, and the information they contain. In this situation, OIT staff members are obligated to treat any information they might see, that turns out to be unrelated to the problem, as strictly confidential. In addition, email messages are subject to subpoena or otherwise discoverable in litigation.
    10. All data in the College’s computer and communications systems - including documents, images, recordings, other electronic files, and chat messages - are the property of the College. No individual should have any expectation of privacy for data recorded or transmitted over the College’s systems.
    11. GBC technology resources may not be used to create, share, or transmit material that is derogatory, defamatory, obscene or offensive. Such material includes - but is not limited to - slurs, epithets or anything that might be construed as harassment or disparagement based on race, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, or religious or political beliefs.
    12. Users must follow local, state, and federal laws and regulations pertaining to computing activities. In cases involving fraud, forgery, extortion, copyright violations, intimidation, humiliation, etc., violators may be legally prosecuted and may be subject to immediate loss of all computing privileges and network access at Goldey-Beacom College.
    13. GBC technology resources may not be used to solicit or contact others for commercial purposes, causes, external organizations, chain messages, or other purposes not related to academic or work-related tasks associated with the College.
    14. Users are responsible for reporting any activities which they believe to be in violation of these policies. To report such incidents, email abuse@gbc.edu.
  5. Use of the Internet
    1. The Internet is an open forum for many subjects, opinions, and ideas, both appropriate and inappropriate to the educational values and/or goals of the College. Therefore, it is up to the users of the Internet to be responsible, selective, and wise when dealing with people, topics, opinions, and/or ideas found on the Internet that do not serve the educational purposes of the College. Offensive materials on the Internet, including but not limited to adult sites and pornography, are not to be accessed through the College’s network using any personal computer located at the College or connected to the College network. Anyone accessing these pages may be asked to discontinue doing so, may be asked to leave, may have their network access suspended and may be subject to disciplinary actions.
    2. Goldey-Beacom College is not responsible for any offensive or inappropriate material that is found on the Internet.
    3. The use of the Internet for non-class assignments in the labs and the library is permitted, provided a workstation is not needed by a student with a class assignment.
  6. Use of the GBC Wi-Fi
    GBC Wi-Fi is provided for currently enrolled students and employees.
    1. Only currently enrolled students and staff and faculty currently employed by Goldey-Beacom College have access to the GBC Wi-Fi. Up-to-date anti-malware software must be installed on all PCs connected to the network. All Wi-Fi devices must support WPA2 encryption. If a Windows computer is connected, the GBC user must have administrator privileges to install and run the Cisco security agent.
    2. The use of bridges, hubs, routers, switches or other network equipment which could interfere with GBC Wi-Fi is not permitted on Campus.
    3. Users are not permitted to share or tether their GBC Wi-Fi connection to another device.
    4. Users are not permitted to connect their personal device to GBC Wi-Fi using another user’s GBC Network Account.
    5. Users are required to follow the guidelines on the usage of the College’s network and the Internet when using GBC Wi-Fi.
    6. Misuse of GBC Wi-Fi or not following the approved policies may result in losing complete access to the GBC network.
    7. All network users are responsible for the integrity of their own individual devices. It is each person’s responsibility to make certain that his or her device is secured against viruses, worms, hacker attacks, and other intrusions. Further, they are responsible for all uses of their device and will held accountable for network traffic originating from their device or traced back to their device’s IP address.
    8. Users should be aware that connecting to GBC Wi-Fi gives the College the right to investigate cases of harassment complaints, illegal violations, copyright infringement, or network problems in which the OIT staff members may need to review email messages, internet usage, and other computer files on any device which has been configured for use on GBC Wi-Fi.
  7. Use of Third-Party Online Services Operated on Behalf of the College
    The College provides currently enrolled students and employees access to various online services operated by third-parties on behalf of the College. These include but may not be limited to Microsoft Office 365, OneDrive for Business, Skype for Business, Yammer, and Zoom.
    1. Only currently enrolled students and staff and faculty currently employed by Goldey-Beacom College have access to such third-party services.
    2. Users are required to follow the guidelines on the usage of the College’s network and the Internet when using these online services.
    3. Access to such online services is provided to currently enrolled students for the purposes of completing their coursework, and to current employees for their work-related activities. These services should not be used to post personal information, share personal files, or for any other non-academic/work purposes.
    4. Users are solely responsible for all content posted and files shared using their account.
    5. Misuse of these online services or not following the approved policies may result in losing complete access to the online services.
    6. Users should be aware that using these online services gives the College the right to investigate cases of harassment complaints, illegal violations, copyright infringement, or network problems in which the OIT staff may need to review service usage, files stored in OneDrive for Business, Skype for Business communications, Zoom recordings, network traffic, and any other files or data connected to the usage of these online services
  8. Use of Software and Services for Audio and Video Conferencing, Online Meetings, Collaboration, and Chat

    The College provides third-party online audio and video-conferencing services - including Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Microsoft Skype for Business - to support the faculty and staff in their College work responsibilities and to provide students with needed resources for their GBC classes. Zoom is the primary supported service for holding and attending online meetings at GBC, including any use of audio, video, chat, collaboration, and content sharing within such meetings.

    Currently enrolled students, and all staff and faculty currently employed at the College have free access to a Zoom account using their GBC Network Account. This policy defines the proper use of Zoom at the College:

    1. Any GBC user signing in to Zoom - or any other audio and video-conferencing software or services (from here on referred to as “Zoom”) - will be assumed to understand and agree with all applicable College policies.
    2. Any use of Zoom must be compliant with all applicable elements of GBC’s Policy for Responsible Computing and Use of College Resources, including all items listed in the section about Use of Third-Party Online Services Operated on Behalf of the College.
    3. Any use of Zoom by GBC employees must be compliant with all applicable elements of the College’s Information Security Policy.
    4. If a meeting session will be recorded, the host user must inform all individuals participating in the meeting in advance that the session is being recorded.
    5. If a meeting session was recorded, the recording - and its content - must be compliant with any applicable College policies regarding digital content. Such recordings may be shared only with users authorized to view the content.
    6. Users must not use, present, or share any content that is in violation of local, state or federal laws or GBC policies.
    7. Users are required to obtain consent from appropriate parties prior to including, recording, or sharing any content containing sensitive information (e.g. intellectual property, copyrighted material, etc.).
    8. Zoom must not be used to share, present, record or distribute confidential or proprietary College information, Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Protected Health Information (PHI) or other regulated data without prior authorization from the College. While Zoom has been certified for use with meetings that include such data, users are responsible for ensuring all regulatory requirements are met while sharing, presenting, downloading, and storing related electronic documents. Users should also be aware that all regulatory requirements - including FERPA and HIPAA - apply to the use of such data when using Zoom.
    9. Participants in online meetings that involve the use of video or audio conferencing - and related cameras and microphones - must ensure that those devices cannot inadvertently record sensitive, proprietary, confidential, or inappropriate documents, images, materials, sounds, or other content located in the vicinity of the participants.
    10. Online audio and video conference sessions should only be established to trusted participants and partners, including any external users invited to such meetings.
    11. GBC will not assume responsibility for content that is reported or discovered to be in violation of any aforementioned policies or laws. Any recorded content will be removed pending review, and appropriate action taken if necessary.
  9. Prohibited Activities
    GBC network users shall not damage, destroy, misuse, or otherwise endanger the College’s computing and information resources. This section is intended to aid in interpreting the policies stated above and should not be interpreted as complete or exhaustive. Examples of conduct in violation of the approved policies include:
    1. Using software or materials known to have been obtained in violation of copyright law or a valid license provision.
    2. Copying and providing to others any copyrighted material or licensed program contents, unless allowed under the fair-use doctrine or explicitly permitted by the copyright owner.
    3. Disrupting, hindering, or damaging the service, use, or ability of others to access or use any College computer, facility, equipment, software, network, or other technology resource, including email.
    4. Accessing resources on the College’s network using a different GBC Network Account other than the one assigned.
    5. Providing any person with access to the assigned GBC Network Account, or in any way allowing others access to a device, network, or service under one’s account.
    6. Creating, modifying, reading or copying files (including email) in any areas to which the user has not been granted access.
    7. Disguising one’s identity in any way, including the sending of fraudulent email messages, removal of data from system files, and the masking of process names.
    8. Sending harassing or abusive messages via any digital means.
    9. Sending emails that advertise products or advertising services.
    10. Using College facilities to gain unauthorized access to computer systems on or off campus.
    11. Use of College resources for unauthorized or commercial purposes.
    12. Attempting to interfere with the normal operation of computing systems in any way, or attempting to circumvent the restrictions associated with such facilities.
    13. Using any College computer, facility, equipment, software, network, or other technology resource, including email, to commit or attempt to commit acts prohibited under applicable federal, state, or local laws.
  10. Disciplinary actions
    1. Students violating policies concerning copyrighted material will be informed of the immediate loss of both their GBC Wi-Fi connection as well as access to various other College network resources, should such activities continue.
    2. Students violating policies concerning excessive noise and not responding to the request by College staff to reduce the noise level may be asked to leave the area. Continued abuse of this policy will be reported to the Dean of Students and may result in the loss of the computing privileges for the area where the violation occurred.
    3. Any student found in violation of any of these policies may be subject to the loss of their access to one or all of the College technology resources for a period of time and will be reported to the Dean of Students for disciplinary  action.
    4. Any illegal violations may result in the immediate loss of the use of all GBC technology resources and will be reported to the Dean of Students.
    5. A student’s GBC Network Account will be immediately locked and referred by the Office of Information Technology to the Dean of Students in the event of a network threat related to that account.
  11. Changes to This Policy
    The Office of Information Technology may change or amend this policy from time to time. When changes are made, they will be announced through Campus Web announcements. As with all matters of law and ethics, ignorance of the rules does not excuse violations.


Right of Search Policy

College Officials

The College reserves the right to enter a student apartment in the event of an emergency or if there is a reasonable suspicion that a violation of the law or a College rule or regulation has occurred.  Students who reside in student housing on the College Campus are advised that their apartments are subject to search by an official of the College in the event of a reasonable suspicion that a violation of the law or a College rule or regulation is occurring or has occurred.  Permission for such searches may be given by the Dean of Students, or, in that person’s absence, the designated senior Student Affairs officer. The search may be conducted in the absence of the students, although College officials will announce their presence by knocking on the door and identifying themselves before entering the student apartment.  Students are advised that any information or property seized during a search may be used as evidence against them in any College disciplinary proceeding. The College further reserves the right, upon reasonable suspicion that a violation of the law or a College rule or regulation has occurred, to request a search of a student’s vehicle parked on College property or of the student’s other personal belongings while on the College campus.  The College reserves the right to contact law enforcement authorities in the event that evidence of a potential crime is revealed during a search.  Any property seized in a search shall be itemized and stored in a secure location until the conclusion of any resulting College disciplinary or criminal proceedings.

Law Enforcement Authorities

In circumstances where there is a suspected violation of the laws of the State of Delaware, the College reserves the right to contact federal, state or county law enforcement authorities. Law enforcement authorities have the right to search College premises, including student housing, in a manner consistent with legal requirements for a lawful search.  In addition to potential criminal proceedings, any information discovered through such a search may be used as evidence in College disciplinary proceedings when violations of the Residence Life policies or the Student Code of Conduct occur.


Smoking Policy

Smoking is not permitted inside any buildings on the Goldey-Beacom College campus. It is requested that smokers not congregate at building entrances but, instead, use areas such as the gazebos and the gardens, taking care to dispose of ash and cigarette ends safely in the appropriate containers.


Student Accommodations Policy

The Goldey-Beacom College community is committed to equal access to the learning experience for all students regardless of disability, handicap, or physical limitation. The College strives to comply with all laws, statutes, and regulations in assuring program accessibility and non-discrimination. 

The College’s Enrollment Management Department and all other relevant parties of the College will act as “facilitator” in identifying on-campus services, offering reasonable support, and coordinating services needed to provide equal access.  The College, in its role as facilitator and if needed, will refer the student to community services that can provide assistance to the student prior to beginning enrollment and after enrollment occurs. 

Goldey-Beacom College will review all requests on a case-by-case basis in accordance with applicable federal and state laws. The College prohibits retaliation against individuals for requesting reasonable accommodations or academic adjustments, appealing decisions concerning such requests, or for making or participating in claims of discrimination.

All requests for accommodations and academic adjustments, and all supporting documentation, including but not limited to medical information from an appropriate medical professional, are considered confidential and will be shared with relevant parties of the College only on a need-to-know basis.  Such documentation will only be used to evaluate the student’s requested accommodation. The accommodation and/or academic adjustment documentation will be kept in a file in the Registrar’s Office.  Students may request accommodations using the Student Accommodation Request Form . Additional information on service animals and emotional support animals is available at the links below.

Service Animal Policy  

Emotional Support Animal Policy  


Student Health Insurance

For the health and safety of our College Community, Goldey-Beacom College encourages all students to maintain health insurance coverage throughout their enrollment.  All students residing on campus and/or participating in intercollegiate athletics are required to have health insurance coverage.  Students that do not provide proof of health insurance coverage are not be permitted to live in the residence halls and/or participate in intercollegiate athletics.  
Questions regarding Student Health Insurance can be answered Student Affairs Office by calling 302-225-6332.


Student Pregnancy and Parental Policy

Goldey-Beacom College supports the success of pregnant and parenting students. Thus, the College prohibits discrimination against a student based on the student’s pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery from any of these medical conditions.

The College will excuse student absences because of pregnancy or childbirth for as long as the student’s doctor deems the absences medically necessary. When a student returns to school, the student will be allowed to return to the same academic and extracurricular status as before the medical leave began. Medical documentation is required to be completed and submitted to the student’s Advisor prior to returning to school in accordance with the “Return to School after Medical Leave” policy.

The College offers the student alternatives to making up missed work. The student has the right to decide the method to make up the work from the following two options: retaking a semester or allowing the student additional time in a program to continue at the same pace and finish at a later date. Should a course grade be based on class participation, the student would be allowed to earn the missed credits.

The College can make accommodations that are reasonable and responsive to a student’s pregnancy or parental status. Request for accommodations should be addressed to the student’s Advisor.  Such examples of accommodations include modified course schedules, allowing frequent trips to the restrooms, providing a larger desk and/or allowing break time and appropriate facilities for expressing breast milk. The College has a designated “private” area in the Hirons Library and Learning Center (HLLC) that nursing students can use for expressing breast milk. When needed, the HLLC staff should be asked for the key to this private room.

Pregnant students are allowed to reside on campus. However, once the child is born, it is required that the child live off campus. If the parent would like to return to being a residential student without the child such an arrangement would be permissible.

Pregnant student-athletes may continue to participate in sport activities but a certification from the student’s physician is required. A student-athlete with a pregnancy-related condition can be provided with modifications to allow continued team participation.  Student-athletes may obtain additional guidance from the Athletic Department.

Goldey-Beacom College encourages the student to develop a “Parenting Action Plan” with the student’s Advisor.  A “Parenting Action Plan” is helpful in ensuring the College has the most up-to-date contact and physician information in case of an emergency. It also ensures the student and appropriate departments, such as Athletics, Financial Aid/Advisement, Housing and Faculty members, have open communication to help the student have a healthy, comfortable and supportive learning environment throughout the pregnancy while continuing education at the College.

Students may file complaints of sex discrimination, including discrimination due to pregnancy or parental status by contacting a College Title IX Coordinator.


Transgender Policy

Transgender is an umbrella term used to describe people who have gender identities, gender expressions, or gendered behaviors not traditionally associated with their birth sex.  Sexual orientation and gender identity are included in the non-discrimination policy of Goldey-Beacom College.  As such, the College will not discriminate or allow discrimination by others against transgender students/employees. The College’s Pledge to Promote a Safe Environment includes the statement:

“…discrimination and harassment prohibited by law includes any verbal or physical conduct toward another that is based on an individual’s race, religion, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, mental and/or physical disability, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, genetic information, pregnancy, childbirth and related conditions, parenting, family responsibilities, or any other protected category or characteristic and that (1) unlawfully creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive learning and/or working environment or (2) unlawfully interferes with an individual’s work or academic performance.  Threatening, intimidating or engaging in hostile acts that create a hostile environment based on an individual’s category or characteristic may constitute unlawful harassment, whether the harasser is a co-worker, supervisor, student, faculty member, contractor or agent of the College.”

Furthermore, every student/employee has the right to be addressed by the name and pronoun that corresponds with the person’s gender identity.  To recognize and honor the choices of individuals, transgender students who wish to designate a preferred name, or students wishing to change a birth and/or legal name to a preferred name, are encouraged to meet with the Registrar.  Transgender employees should contact Human Resources.  Every effort is made to assure confidentiality in this process.  Although the College is committed to supporting students/employees in the transgender community, it is important to understand that designating a preferred name for use at the College does not constitute a legal name change so the birth name and/or legal name will continue to be used on certain College documents as required by federal regulations.  While preferred first and/or middle names may be designated, the College is unable to designate a preferred surname without documents showing that the surname has been changed legally by a court or government entity.

For the convenience of all students, bathrooms in the residence halls are single-person usage, and a lockable single-person all-gender bathroom located on the first floor of the Fulmer Center is for use by students or employees. Transgender student-athletes may also request private shower and/or locker facilities if needed.

Transgender students who have questions or concerns about campus life, housing assignments, or the residence hall living are encouraged to speak with the Dean of Students at any time.  Transgender employees are encouraged to contact Human Resources.


Vendor Policy

No soliciting, vending, or marketing is permitted on the Goldey-Beacom College campus without prior approval from the Student Affairs Office.  Additional information pertaining to the “Vendor Policy” may be obtained by contacting the Student Affairs Office.


Visitor Policy

The Goldey-Beacom College campus is private property for use by students, faculty and staff of the College. Guests are welcome on campus when visiting a specific individual or attending to official business. Visitors to the Residence Halls must comply with all regulations as outlined in Residence Hall Guest Policy section. Other visitors are expected to report to the Reception Desk in the Fulmer Center upon arrival on campus. Solicitation or sales without an advanced appointment are prohibited. Visitors are reminded that certain restroom facilities are unisex and used by both men and women.

Children of guests and/or of students must be closely supervised at all times and are not to be left unattended anywhere on campus. Children are prohibited from all academic areas including, but not limited to, classrooms, the Hirons Library and Learning Center, and teaching labs, and from fitness facilities and the gymnasium.