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Judicial Process
The Office of Residence Life expects every student who resides in the residence halls to be a productive member of the community. Any student who violates any policies in the Student Handbook will face judicial action. Violations that occur within the residence halls are under the authority of the Office of Residence Life.
Students, who are considered to have violated policies, will receive a letter specifying the sanction(s) given and the policy violated. The student may request a meeting with the Director of Residence and Student Life, or designee to discuss such sanctions. All judicial meetings must be requested within 10 business days and meetings will be scheduled during business hours, Monday-Friday during the Fall and Spring semesters.
Examples of sanctions that may be issued for violations of housing policies are listed below.
- Written Warning
- Probation: Behavior is monitored for a specific amount of time. Violations during that time will result in further discipline. Probation may include special conditions or actions to be completed by a deadline.
- Fines/Restitution: The fine/restitution will be billed to the Goldey-Beacom College student account.
- Special Action: A student may be required to perform community service, attend a treatment program, etc. Students may be required to avoid situations in which alcohol in present.
- Loss of Housing Scholarship: A student may have housing or other scholarships for the following semester revoked for engaging in behaviors that are in violation of the Residence Life Policy Handbook.
- Suspension from residence halls: This sanction specifies a period of time during which a student is permitted only in the Fulmer and Jones Centers. If the student is found on the campus grounds adjoining or inside residence halls, the student may be arrested for trespassing. In some cases, the student may lose the privilege of attending college-sponsored activities.
- Expulsion (Permanent Ban) from the residence halls: Expulsion is a permanent, involuntary separation from the residence halls due to conduct violations.
- Interim Suspension: The Dean of Students or designee may impose an interim suspension and/or loss of privileges including removal from the College Campus and/or College-owned housing upon any student whose presence on campus constitutes a threat to the health, safety, and welfare of the student, or the welfare of the College, its property or personnel. Any such suspension will take effect immediately.
Note: Any student suspended/expelled from the residence halls will simultaneously have the student’s record reviewed by a Committee of Deans to assess suitability for continued enrollment at the College.
If a student disagrees with the sanction, the student should request a meeting with the Dean of Students. After meeting with the Dean, the Dean may document the meeting and any resulting decision and communicate the information to the student via the student’s GBC Email address. If, after meeting with the Dean, the student still disagrees, the student may appeal the sanction. The student must send a written appeal to the Judicial Board on Student Matters within ten (10) business days of the meeting date with the Dean of Students, or the date of the Dean’s email, whichever is later. The written appeal must set forth the basis of the appeal in detail. The Judicial Board on Student Matters will notify the student within ten (10) business days of the receipt of the student’s appeal as to whether the Judicial Board on Student Matters will hear the appeal. If the Judicial Board on Student Matters decides to hear an appeal, the notice to the student shall include the time and place of the administrative hearing, and a copy of the procedures that will be used during the hearing.
If the student wishes to appeal the Judicial Board on Student Matters decision, such an appeal can be made to the Appellate Board on Student Matters. This appeal must be made in writing to the Chair of the Appellate Board on Student Matters within ten (10) business days of receiving the Judicial Board on Student Matters’ decision. The written appeal must set forth the basis for the appeal in detail.
The student has the right to appear in person and present information on the student’s own behalf, call witnesses, and ask questions of anyone present at the hearing. If the student elects not to appear at the hearing, the hearing shall be conducted in the student’s absence. The student has the right to refuse to answer any question(s) or to make a statement. The Appellate Board on Student Matters will make its decision on the basis of the evidence available. All decisions, penalties or resultant actions of the Appellate Board on Student Matters are final.
The administrative hearings of the Judicial Board on Student Matters and the Appellate Board on Student Matters are closed to the public and are confidential. All records from the proceedings are kept confidential. Such hearings will occur during standard business hours during the Fall and Spring semesters.